OLHOC's Prayer Chain members have been called prayer warriors!
The Prayer Chain is a group of 70-plus stong, who pray for parishioners, family, friends, each other, and special intentions.
Prayer requests are sent from the Prayer Chain members to the Coordinator. Parishioner's requests are usually called into the parish office and are then emailed to the coordinator, who sends them to the individual Prayer Chain members.
In addition to the coordinator, there is a telephone coordinator who phones prayer requests to Prayer Chain members who do not have access to computers.
PRAY- That's what the Prayer Chain members do, at a time that is convenient for them and they use the prayers they prefer. The coordinator does send prayers on Saints' Feast Days, the Pope's monthly prayer intention, and other prayers to use as they like.
To join the OLHOC Prayer Chain, please leave your e-mail address or telephone number at the Parish Office and the Prayer Chain Coordinator will contact you. No meetings are necessary for this ministry.
OLHOC’S Prayer Chain has an amazing group of prayer warriors. Thank you for considering joining this ministry.