The first miracle of Jesus in John‘s Gospel is the transformation of water into wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. Why does Jesus make use of the shortage of wine at a local wedding to reveal His Divinity for the first time in his public ministry?
There are many answers as John gives us extraordinary details especially through the dialogue between Jesus and his mother Mary. Jesus shows a remarkable obedience to his mother who tells the waiters and also all of us:” Do whatever he tells you.”. Are we prepared to do whatever Jesus tells us? Jesus’ actions also highlight the sanctity of marriage. The newlyweds had “run out of wine”. They had run out of a joyful celebration. Jesus is the New Wine that brings Joy to newlyweds. At Cana, Jesus reveals Himself as the Bridegroom and all of us together are His bride. Marriage is a sacramental foundation of our society through stable and loving families. When a man and woman enter...
Jubilee Years are now celebrated every 25 years. Initially, the Church held them every 50 years as was the Jewish tradition. I invite you to read Leviticus 25:10-17 describing how a Jubilee Year was celebrated after completion of seven Sabbatical Years. The Sabbatical Year was to give rest to the land every 7 years (Leviticus 25: 1 -7). After 7 Sabbatical Years or 7 x 7 years, 49 years, not only the land was given rest but also the people were called to go back to their clan of origin and atone for their sins. It was a time for everyone to rest, a time to be regenerated spiritually, a time to get liberated from sinful attachment, a time to share with those in need.
In the corporate world and in higher education there are a few opportunities for sabbatical years: a time to rest, a time to take a break from current responsibilities, a time to take on “reviving” activities. After 25 years at the World Bank, I had the privilege to...