If you have any questions, please contact Sr. Rosario sister@olhoc.org
This is a series of assignments intended to gradually lead you, the candidate, successfully along your journey to the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. All of the assignments are important steps on your journey. Most can be accessed by clicking the appropriate buttons above.
Service Selection(Service selection is required for EACH of the years of Confirmation prep Year 1 & Year 2) - engage in service opportunities within our parish, both in liturgical and non-liturgical ministries, and to reflect on the experience in terms of lifelong discipleship. For students during 2024-2025 school year, please make your service selections no later than October 28th .
Please be sure your Baptismal & First Communion certificate is on file with Sr. Rosario. (For Year 1 & 2 - Due Nov. 18th) If you can't find it, you'll need to contact the parish in which you were baptized and request a new certificate - DON'T PUT THIS OFF! Sometimes it takes time to receive a new certificate.
Interview with Fr Alain for Year 2 - Please check email for dates and times available.
Confirmation Name and Saint Report (Confirmation Year 2 should have their saint name and report done by January 20th . Examine the lives of several saints to learn how they aligned their lives to follow Jesus, and select one as a role model, taking his/her name as a Confirmation name
Choosing a Sponsor and Submitting the Sponsor Eligibility Form Consider who plays a significant role in your spirtual life and would be a good choice for a sponsor. If you have difficulty deciding on a sponsor, please speak with your catechist, mentor or Sr. Rosario. For Confirmation Year 2 students during the 2024-2025 school year: If you haven't already done this, please submit the completed, signed, and sealed form to me no later than December 16th, 2024. DON'T PUT THIS OFF! Sometimes it takes time to get these completed forms submitted. For those at a distance, the form may be mailed to me at the address noted on the bottom of the form.
Letter to Bishop (Year 2 only - final version completed and submitted to Sr. Rosario by February 17th, 2025 . Reflect on all your experiences throughout this preparation and then request, in writing, the Sacrament of Confirmation from the presiding Bishop.
Any outstanding paperwork
Occasional Faith questions/quizzes to ensure that you are growing in your knowledge of our Catholic Faith (Years 1 and 2).